The Book Worm Tag!
Happy World Book Day! I was tagged by Beth at The Cat’s Out the Bag and I love all of these questions. I want to tag another Beth at Curly and Wordy, and Victoria at TheBookworm88!
I’ve always been read to from as early as I can remember, but I think my newest return to reading was when I picked up Tom Rob Smith’s “The Farm” and I binge read the whole thing. It was the first book I’d read since my A Level coursework books and I realised how much I loved reading for myself.
Where do you usually read?
Usually reading for me takes place in bed. It’s usually when I’m bored with nothing better to do. So whilst i say it’s usually in bed, it’s more than likely you’ll find me curled up on the sofa at home with a cuppa and a book, or even on a coach on the way home from university. The joys of having a kindle means that I don’t have to carry all my books with me!
Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?
I always prefer to read one at a time. I feel that way I give every book the attention it deserves. But sometimes you just can’t help it. I’ve got a couple on the go at the moment, re-reading one and starting a new one. I find sometimes I’ll start a book but will put it down because I’m not feeling reading it at that moment in time. It’s just a matter of preference at the time.
What is your favourite genre?
I am a huge fan of contemporary or YA literature. Fantasy always has an appeal but I always feel that the world lack something in the way of development unless they’re part of a huge series, and as a huge Harry Potter fan I struggle getting into any other kind of fantasy world. Contemporary novels concerning family issues really intrigue me because I’ve always felt incredibly lucky with my family, and I love YA books about growing up and LGBT issues because I love to see how the younger generation are being influenced through their choices of literature.
Is there a genre that you will not read?
Ooooh here we go. I’m not a fan of paranormal novels or new adult. I find them too cliché and there’s something about them that doesn’t sit too well with me. I also am not a huge fan of definite romances where there’s instal-love scenarios or love triangles. They just irk me and it if I see anything about them in a blurb I will just not want to read on about it.
Do you have a favourite book?
This is in the same category as picking my favourite disney film or character. I don’t think I can physically choose one. The Harry Potter series will always have a place in my heart, as will the new addition of the "Chaos Walking Trilogy" by Patrick Ness. Benjamin Alire Saenz’s “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe”, M R Carey’s “The Girl with All the Gifts” and Virginia Macgregor’s “The Astonishing Return of Norah Wells” are all books that I’ve binge read and fallen in love with for their writing style and the way they’ve made me think about my own life. I simply can’t pick one.
What is your least favourite book?
I always try and find positives in every book I read. But probably “Northanger Abbey” by Jane Austen or L.P. Hartley’s “The Go Between”. Both of these are quite classic literary novels and there’s something about being forced to read books in school that makes me hate them quite literally. Both of these books made me feel really angry at their protagonists, had really dull storylines and I think the only think I liked about “The Go Between” was the fact that we could all write about sexual tension.
What is the longest book you’ve ever read?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 766 pages! But I do own "Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy which is a whopping 964 pages! That’ll be a long read!
What was the last book you bought?
I bought two the last time I went to buy a book; Ali Smith’s “How to be Both” and “The Loney” by Andrew Michael Hurley. (Actually these aren’t the last books I bought, but the other one is my mum’s mother’s day present so shhhh). The last book I was sent a review copy for was “The Sudden Appearance of Hope” by Claire North.
Do you prefer library books or buying books?
I love buying books. As much as I love a library, the books can tend to get dogeared, the spines bent, and if I love the sound of a book I won’t mind spending the money on it. Plus I love knowing that I own so many books!
What are you currently reading?
Re-reading - Douglas Adams’ “The HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy"
Making my way through - Garry Apgar's edited book of essays called “A Mickey Mouse Reader”
Reading - "The Bombs That Brought Us Together" by Brian Conaghan (Due for release April 30th)
Where do you buy your books?
Waterstones or Amazon. But I prefer being able to go to Waterstones and look around at books I may never have searched for online
Do you preorder books?
I think I’ve only ever preordered one book; Patrick Ness’ “The Rest of Us Just Live Here” because it was a limited edition hardback that was signed and it was beautiful in every way. I tend to get a lot of prerelease books so I don’t tend to preorder unless there’s a really good reason for it.
How many books do you buy a month?
Depends. Usually around 2 or so, depending on how many I’ve been given as a prerelease and how much I want to eat because all the money I spend on books is really for my food at university.
How do you feel about second hand charity shop books?
I love a good charity shop book. Especially if they’ve got notes in. This sounds really hypocritical because what I love about charity shop books is what I hate about library books. I love that they’re worn in and they could be noted and I love seeing other people’s interpretations of books.
Do you keep your read and TBR books together?
At the moment no, because the books I have at university are the books I have not read yet. I tend to only bring those with me. Then if I’m reading them I tend to leave that at home if they’re finished. On my Kindle I tend to have them jumbled up.
Do you plan to read all the books you own?
I’d like to try. A lot of them I have read, but there are some like “Anna Karenina” and “Lolita” which will take a lot of willpower to get through.
What do you do with the books you know you won’t re-read?
I keep them… which is really bad because I could always donate them. But I love seeing them on my bookshelf. I love being able to look up and see a physical representation of what I’ve read and how much I’ve engaged with novels of a specific author. It’s just a really rewarding thing to see. Plus there are some book covers which are just outstanding.
Have you ever donated books?
No but I would like to.
Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
I should probably be on one right now. I have been before when I had over 20 books in my TBR and I’m pretty sure I’m over that number now. But there are so many interesting new releases coming out that all my old books tend to get pushed back further and further and it drives me crazy!
Do you think you own too many books?
Ha! Is there such a thing?! Too many books! Who would’ve thought it. For an accurate answer ask my bank account or my mother. But for me, there’s no such thing. Books hold a world and wealth of knowledge and interesting ideas about the world and they are a great way to expand your mind and really engage with something new. Reading has helped me through some really dark times. So I’d say there’s no such thing as too many books!