How to Get Out of a Reading Hole

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I'd not really come across a reading hangover until I started to try and read all of these books in such a short space of time and this week has been the worst for me. So I've decided that I'm stuck in a reading hole... And I need to get out of it. 

Put the Book Down

There is no point in trying to keep reading when all you want to do is a) sleep, b) tidy your room c) check youtube/twitter/instagram. Sometimes it's best to just take a break and come back to what you've got to read. Definitely recommended practise before starting a new book.  If you aren't going to be starting a new book, but are in your reading hole mid way, write a short summary of what's happened so you don't forget. 

Go For a Walk

Sometimes going for a short walk can really help to clear your mind. Especially if it's just boredom you're struggling with. I find just a walk around the block can really help to free your mind of any anxiety or stress, which in turn gives you some space in your brain to contemplate complex sentence structures, much like those used in Hardy's work, or just to deal with the twists and turns of certain stories. This time can also be used for your social media, especially with smart phones, and you can check up on everything before you get home and curl up with your book. 

If a walk doesn't help...

Do Some Other Exercise

Exercise is really good for taking things off your mind. So if a short walk doesn't do anything for you maybe it's time to find something new. Yoga is amazing for your body but also for your soul (cliche I know...) I'm also a huge fan of swimming as a sport. Not just going along and treading water with some friends but proper length swimming. Both of these encourage you to focus on your breathing which stops you from worrying too much about other things too much.

Have a Shower/Bath

Showers and baths are my favourite things to do when I'm struggling to get through a book. Quick and easy hop in the shower, or take some time to yourself to really make the most of a bath. I like to sit with my Netflix on and catch up on some tv that I might be watching at the time or I just lay there with a nice Lush Bubble Bar in the water. It's just a really nice way to calm you down and clear your brain of anything that might be worrying you. 

Make Tea and Have Biscuits

I hate reading on an empty stomach. It's just another distraction. And besides, tea is calming and biscuits are yummy. My favourite at the moment is english breakfast tea with rich teas. It's a nice little treat to get you all cosy and ready to read. If not tea and biscuits I fully endorse ice water and lemon with a banana or assorted fruits. 

So there are some of my tips and tricks for getting yourself out of a reading hole to get you, and me, back into reading again. If there are any other tips and tricks there are that you've found help, feel free to leave them below. I feel like these tips are easily used for revision purposes as well, for those of you reading this when you should be revising. 

Keep Reading, 